Trading Foundation
From Novice to Expert, this course will help you get to trading profitably
In this FREE course, I will get granular on the various components that make up a successful trader. We will explore the market background, trader psychology, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and tips/tricks that helped me personally grow my account from $2k to over $50k multiple times. These skills and tools will be applicable in varying degrees across multiple instruments such as stocks, FX, and for this series in particular crypto.
I will keep this document as a running blog. As in, I will continue to add more videos to the topics in question. I will continually add the videos to each respected topic as I make them. This will be a progressive course for you to follow. The order is structured in a way to assist you in the learning process.
Congratulations on making the FIRST step towards your trading journey👏🏽🎉. Understanding and learning basics always bore the hell out of me, but I was not ignorant to the fact that the basics offer a solid foundation to learning the more advanced topics. Following Pareto's Law I know that to understand 80% of the topic I need to learn 20% of most important items. So, I did my best to summarize the 20% of items that yield the most important concepts for having a solid trading foundation. Let’s dive in, Bone-Apple-Teeth!!!
Market Background
In this video, I explain the brief history of trading and the market background of crypto itself. As mentioned previously, each market reacts differently. Understanding the industry history, and its makeup will help give you a competitive advantage when trading.
- Market Value
- When to Trade
- What to Buy
- Profit Generation
- Rules for Success
- Spread: Bid/Ask
- Requirements
Trader Psychology
[Retail] Trader psychology makes up majority of the market analysis. Understanding this will assist you when reading charts. Additionally, having a solid understanding in trader psych will allow you to better manage yourself when reading charts and executing orders. Its easy to react to the markets but having an objective trading strategy tandem with proper risk mgmt will help you curb that emotional response and become a surgical trader in the markets.
- Greed
- Fear
- Hope
Risk Management
This is the MOST undervalued topic when learning how to trade. I will go over my personally Risk Management strategy and explain waits to mitigate losses while maximizing gains.
- Risk:Reward
- Compounding Loss
- Personal Contract (FREE SHEET DOWNLOAD)
Purchase Execution
There are multiple ways to make an order when trading. In this playlist series, I will explain the difference between the 3 Main Orders Types and 3 other order types which are typically linked to a Main Order Type..
- Market Execution
- Limit Orders
- Stop Orders
- Stop Loss & Take Profit
- Trailing Stops
Trading Strategies
This playlist will explore the various trading strategies one can implement in their trading routine. Trading strategies vary dramatically. Some inherent significantly less risk while incurring lower returns while others are operating under an HFT strategy (high-frequency trading) and accumulating massive risk while simultaneously grossing impressive returns. Some strategies implement bots to assist while others are a bit more instinctual (qualitative).
- Scalping
- Swing
- Positional
- Rebalancing
Price Action & Candles
Price action and candles are the foundation of the chart itself. Understanding the intricacies of candlesticks is identical to learning how to interpret letters and words before learning to read. This video will teach you how to read candles and their respected patterns.
- Bars
- Japanese Candlestick
- Main Candlestick Patterns (CHEAT SHEET & VIDEOS)
The structure is secondary to candlesticks. The structure is formed from multiple candles and this is the foundations for predicting trends. This is, in my opinion, the MOST effective tool to learn before beginning to trade. I will teach you how to read trend-lines like you can read a book. Charts leave clues, and the candles are telling you a story if you are able to understand.
I released a video and medium post dedicated specifically. You can readn and watch that video here.
- Resistance & Support
- Trend Lines
- Pivot Points
- Channels
Now that you know about the basic structure, we can dive into something a bit more complex such Fibonacci Sequence. Leonardo Fibonacci was a famous Italian mathematician, who created the sequence — also known as the golden sequence. Fibonacci is a huge subject and there are many different Fibonacci studies with weird-sounding names but we’re going to stick to two: retracement and extension.
- Retracements
- Extensions
Moving Averages (MAs)
Moving averages come in two varieties. There are Simple Moving Averages and Exponential Moving Averages. Each MA has its own benefit and this basic Lagging Indicator can be extremely useful when evaluating potential trade setups.
- Simple Moving Averages
- Exponential Moving Averages
Patterns are formed through the structure itself. Patterns offer an interesting possibility for traders, as proven patterns have a higher probability of being accurate. I will go over most of the patterns used by traders while focusing more on the pattern I have sentiment for.
Indicators are great tools used by traders to, you guessed it, indicate a possible trade and or verify a trade set up. Indicators in my experience are used more as a confirmation tool vs a decision-making tool. I will explore the most commonly used indicators, what they mean, and how you can benefit from them.
Algos & Bots
It’s 2018 and its time you learn the truth about algos and bots. I will give a high-level overview on trading bots and how you can integrate them with your trading strategies, or how they can trade for you. The real benefits of utalizing a trade bot is the freedom associated with it. You can do your thing and come back each evening to see the bots performance. It is a great tool for allowing you make profit while practicing with a demo account.
I actually built a bot for you to download for FREE all you need to do is follow this guide. This is the beta v0.5.1 so keep in mind the user interface is not easy and relies on your terminal knowledge and expertise.
This bot would typically go on market for ~$5,000.00 USD or a 30% trading commission, HOWEVER, I am giving it away for free. Atleast while we continue its development to an alpha version.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Download Here<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Choosing Your Broker
DISCLAIMER: We run a broker/dealer exchange with PlutusX. So I will natively promote our services as superior to others. I encourage participants to do diligence on various exchanges capabilities, security, and other factors.
Latest Trade Analysis Video
Here is the most recent Trade Analysis Video to date. Currently, I am deconstructing BTC/USD.
Live Webinars
Here you can check out our live webinars wher you can jump on a cast with us to ask us questions and watch us deconstruct the charts live, possibly giving away trade set ups (Signals) or live trade orders. It will be random and it will be fun. Josh and Patrick with few guests will join us on these calls as well. Each of us bring value to the table having different trading expereince and strategies.
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this article, make sure to applaud us down below! Would mean a lot to me and it helps other people see the story.
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Written by: Angel Mondragon.